auDA to implement direct registrations for .au
auDA (.au Domain Administration Ltd), Australia’s domain name regulator has today announced that it will allow direct registrations under .au.
Currently, all domain names are registered at the third level, for example Under the changes approved by the auDA board today, auDA will implement a system to allow second level registrations for example
In a statement released on its website today, auDA said:
auDA will now undertake a comprehensive policy development process and further stakeholder consultations to determine the best approach for implementing direct registrations in .au, including taking into account the impact on existing registrants, in a manner that is consistent with the .au policy and regulatory framework, and that maintains the overall stability and integrity of the .au DNS.
It is expected that a mechanism such as a panel will be put into place to provide a regulatory and policy framework for the implementation.
Australia’s move mirrors a global trend on allowing second level registrations with both the United Kingdom and New Zealand recently allowing registrations at the second level with .uk and .nz.
We will talk further about the process and implementation as information becomes available.
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