auDA releases governance review of .au
.au Domain Administration Ltd (auDA) the regulator of the .au domain name space today (15 December 2011) released a review of governance undertaken by Westlake Consulting Ltd and Argo Pacific.
The report is a 107 page report which was prepared after consultation with a broad variety of stakeholders in the .au space including government, and Cooper Mills Lawyers. The report made 15 recommendations to the board including limits on the tenure of Directors and the publication of an Accountability and Transparency Framework.
The issue of Accountability and Transparency has featured prominently in the report, most likely as a result of the perception that auDA was secretive.
Of particular note in the report is a call for improvement in the relationship between government and auDA – earlier this week we reported that the Prime Minister had taken responsibility for Cyber Security from the Attorney General’s Department.
We hope to publish a more comprehensive analysis of the report shortly.
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