Court allows Twitter
In a report published by The Australian, it has been revealed that journalists have been using microblogging tool Twitter to provide live updates on the iiNet Case being heard before the Federal Court in Sydney.
According to The Australian, Justice Cowdrey said:
On the basis that Twittering does not distract or interfere with the conduct of my court, I personally have no objection to its use. I believe that the public has a legitimate right to be fully informed of proceedings, particularly proceedings such as (the iiNet case) which have attracted considerable public interest. Twittering can serve to inform the public in a more speedy and comprehensive manner than may be possible through traditional media coverage.
Ordinarily any form of recording device such as a video camera or tape recorder is prohibited in a Court, however, there are times where Judges will all the use of such devices.
This appears to be the first time where a Court has specifically addressed the issue of Twitter use within a Court room.
According to IT Lawyer and Cooper Mills Lawyers Principal, Erhan Karabardak:
This will not come as a surprise to many lawyers, who use laptops with wireless internet to send emails from within the Court during a proceeding.
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