ICANN Releases new GTLD Applicant Guidebook
ICANN has released the eagerly awaited revised draft of the Applicant Guidebook for new GTLDs. This draft document has been released for public comment.
As part of its timeline for the launch of new GTLD domains, ICANN’s release of the Applicant Guidebook is a critical part of the process.
The development of the Guidebook has at times seen hot debate about the process for new GTLD applicants. The Guidebook is made up of 6 modules. The draft Guidebook is also accompanied by explanatory memorandum to assist in interpretation, with ICANN stating:
“These memos were developed to document the latest position on these topics by taking into account the current thinking, discussions and public comments received. Each memo not only reflects GAC advice but also contains the reasoning and rationale on each of the relevant issues regarding the launch of the New gTLD Program and Applicant Guidebook.“
ICANN plans to release the final version by 30 May 2011, prior to its 20 June 2011 extraordinary meeting.
A full copy of the draft Guidebook and explanatory memorandum is available here.
Lawyers and other domain industry participants are encouraged to make submissions on the draft documents.
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